Created for RPGMakerWeb’s Release Something event, I’m here to introduce to you Waffle Cone! The goal of the event was to have us actually complete and release something (preferably something we’ve already been working on). I took a twist on this idea and revived a short story I wrote and, expanding it a little, created a visual novel!

Here’s some more info:

When someone finally remembers what Marissa likes while on a date, she thinks she has found the right guy. However, things don’t go as planned.

Created in less than two months for RPGMakerWeb’s Release Something 2019 event, Waffle Cone revives a short story I wrote and expands it into a Visual Novel with 4 alternate endings:

  • One Bad Ending
  • Two Happy Endings
  • One True Ending

Other Features:

  • Original Character Art
  • Message Backlog
  • Fast Forward

Thanks to Irina for creating the amazing Visual Novel Busts plugin used to create this game!

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