Long story short: I’m NOT porting Reel Dream to MZ. As much as I would like to, trying to recreate the Reel Dream system (which I’m tempted to do) just wouldn’t be productive at this point in the game.

Reel Dream was almost ‘lost’ again when my desktop computer decided to die on me. I wasn’t sure if it was motherboard, hard drive or what, it literally wasn’t letting me boot from anything: HDD, USB, CD, etc…

There were some big changes (mostly mapping) that I had done for Reel Dream that I hadn’t pushed to GitHub yet (gotta remember to do that DAILY) and so, after getting my laptop set up to act as a desktop, I decided to wait until I could get into that HDD.

So I bought an external enclosure for the drive and prayed it worked.

It did.

I got my files, reorganized them onto my laptop, and updated all the GitHub repos. I even now set up my other external drive to backup my files in all my important locations on a daily basis, so making sure I check that backup as well, all should be good.

Honestly now, I haven’t gotten much farther in Real Dream other than starting to build the maps and world so I can then piece everything together. Which includes piercing together this little barn for the farm town in the game:

So yes, not much is there as I’ve been dealing with getting myself organized after the computer crash and playing with RPG Maker MZ on my laptop. Now that I have all my current files I can get back to working on the game!


Thank for your support and God bless,
Meike Kima

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